Belajar dari Sakit Kanker Nasofaring Ustadz Arifin Ilham, Hati-hati Mengkonsumsi Ikan Ini

Kanker Nasofaring seperti yang diderita Ustadz Arifin Ilham ternyata bisa diakibatkan karena kebiasaan konsumsi ikan ini...
The world of hosting is getting wider and wider. There is no doubt that the interest of people is increasing in this web hosting due to its unmatchable advantages over other online jobs and online business. This is the reason why we are having more than a 1000 websites adding to the world of internet each day. No one is ready to take a risk in this time of financial crisis. So we can say that there is something which is attracting more and more people even the age of crisis. If we want to earn good then internet is the best medium for that purpose. By using this medium, we can represent ourselves in front of the whole world and can be recognized by this fast moving world. Web hosting is a very vast field with a plenty of types. These types are for your convenience and to have a better plan for your website to attract people towards it. In the list of hosting, mambo hosting is the one that can provide you the chance to maintain the free content on your website. it also offers high speed uploading. Mambo hosting can provide the opportunity to deal with a number of extensions, as they are compatible with a wide range of extensions. Modification in the website is also easy with the help of mambo hosting. Similarly, other hosting services are also available that will provide you the ease in operating your website. WordPress hosting is one of them. It is a bit easy to use it. It is a type of software that make it easy to deal with the technicalities of your websites. You can even change all the codes of your website using WordPress hosting. There are many other advantages other than the fore discussed benefits. To change or modify your site manually is quite a difficult task. But different softwares and hosting types have made it easy. Drupal hosting is another type of hosting to give you benefits to deal with your website. The basic requirement of drupal hosting is the support to php and other similar database. Because they are necessary for the operation of Drupal hosting. Another advantage of Drupal hosting is that it is cheap as compared to some other types. So it is more beneficial for you if you are new to web hosting. Joomla is the latest software for web hosting. Joomla hosting is becoming popular day by day. The jobs for the joomla operators are increasing very rapidly. It is easy to operate and has a wide set of options for your website. You can take the preview of your website before setting the changes permanently to your website. Free joomla hosting is also available, so it is a good way to join joomla hosting. In all, we can say that with the development in the field of web hosting, we have more opportunity and chances to make our websites more efficient and more user friendly. That is what bringing more and more such software in the market. Cirtexhosting offers website hosting, reseller hosting and mambo hosting at affordable prices and becomes top web hosting company. Article Source: Article Source:

Hati-hati, jangan sampai Anda juga menjadi korban!!

Kamis (10/1/2019), Ustadz Arifin Ilham meninggalkan RSCM sekitar pukul 05.16 WIB. Saat dibawa keluar rumah sakit, beliau terlihat berbaring di bed hospital (ranjang khusus pasien).

"Beliau (Arifin Ilham) mau dibawa ke Penang, berangkat dari Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma," kata salah satu pengurus Yayasan Az-Zikra yang enggan menyebutkan namanya, saat ditemui di RSCM.

Meski demikian, beliau bakal di rujuk ke rumah sakit di Penang agar mendapat penanganan yang lebih insentif.

"Alhamdulillah sudah membaik. Besok mau dibawa ke Penang untuk intensif lagi pemeliharaan dan pengobatan beliau. Kalau melihat kondisi yang baru saja saya lihat, alhamdulillah beliau jauh lebih baik ketimbang kemarin," ujar Bakry setelah menjenguk Arifin Ilham di RSCM Kencana, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (9/1).

Belum diketahui apa penyakit yang diderita Ustad Arifin Ilham hingga menyebabkannya diopname di rumah sakit. Namun akhir Desember lalu, Ustad Arifin Ilham mengaku sempat mengidap penyakit kanker nasofaring dan getah bening.

Ustadz Arifin sempat menyatakan dirinya sudah sembuh dari kanker. Sayang, beberapa hari terakhir ini, Arifin Ilham pun harus terbaring di rumah sakit.

Kanker Nasofaring, Penyebabnya Bisa Karena Ikan Asin

Foto ikan asin dilansir dari

Lo kok bisa?

Kanker nasofaring adalah kanker yang menyerang bagian rongga belakang hidung dan belakang langit-langit rongga mulut.

Dilansir dari, dokter spesialis Telinga Hidung dan Tenggorokan (THT) RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Kencana, dr Fikry Hamdan Yasin, menyebutkan gejala yang awal yang terjadi pada pengidap kanker ini adalah hidung kerap terasa tersumbat.

Selain itu gejala awal kanker nasofaring adalah hidung mengeluarkan darah atau mimisan yang intensif alias terus berulang dan telinga terus berdengung.

(Gejala yang paling mudah terlihat) hidung tersumbat atau mimisan berulang. Telinga rasa tersumbat atau berdengung terus menerus,” tutur dr Fikry Hamdan Yasin kepada, Rabu (9/1/2019).

Mengonsumsi banyak ikan asin bisa menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab timbulnya kanker nasofaring atau karsinoma nasofaring.

Salah satu zat yang terkandung dalam ikan asin yang disebut nitrosamin dapat menjadi faktor pemicu timbulnya kanker nasofaring.

Hal ini diungkapkan oleh pakar karsinoma nasofaring Dr. dr. Farhat, M.Ked Sp. THT.KL.

Faktor makanan tadi diulas itu ikan asin. Ikan asin itu ada zat namanya Nitrosamin. Tapi bukan di ikan asin saja, pada daging yang diasapkan, itu juga tinggi nitrosaminnya. Jadi itu juga bahaya,” terangnya.

Fakta ini masih jarang diketahui, oleh karena itu Anda perlu hati-hati lagi agar tak menjadi korban!
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