Hilangkan Jeragat Dengan 5 Tips Mudah Ini

Jerawat dimuka memberi maksud kamu telah memiliki tanda - tanda kerosakan kulit. Salah satu puncanya ialah disebabkan kulit yang terdedah terlalu lama pada cahaya matahari. Ramai yang risau kerana memiliki jeragat khususnyanya wanita. Ini antara trik yang boleh diamalkan untuk menghapus jeragat di muka. 

1. Lemon
Sapukan lemon pada kulit serta urut perlahan - lahan. Bila selepas 10 - 15 minit. Amalkan petua ini s3 kali seminggu. 

2. Yogurt
Sapukan yougurt pada tersanjungn kulit yang berpersoalan serta biarkan kering. Kemudian bilas dengan air sejuk. Perbuat setiap hari. 

3. Bawang
Sapukan hirisan bawang pada kulit. Untuk kesan maxima perbuat dua kali sehari. 

4. Kulit Pisang
Sapukan kulit pisang berangan di muka kamu serta biarkan selagi 5 minit kemudian bilas. Amalkan setiap hari ya.!

5. Putih Telur
Ambil putih telur sahaja, kemudian ambil tisu serta rendam dalam putih telur itu. Tekap pada muka sampai tisu sehingga kering. Buang tisu tersebut serta cuci muka kamu dengan air bersih.

Sumber: Sinar FM

FOREX: What Is ForexTrading ?

Basically, the Forex market is where banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market is also referred to as the ‘Fx market’, ‘Currency market’, ‘Foreign exchange currency market’ or ‘Foreign currency market’, and it is the largest and most liquid market in the world with an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion.

The Fx market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week with the most important world trading centers being located in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney.It should be noted that there is no central marketplace for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted ‘over the counter’; it’s not like stocks where there is a central marketplace with all orders processed like the NYSE. Forex is a product quoted by all the major banks, and not all banks will have the exact same price. Now, the broker platforms take all theses feeds from the different banks and the quotes we see from our broker are an approximate average of them. It’s the broker who is effectively transacting the trade and taking the other side of it…they ‘make the market’ for you. When you buy a currency pair…your broker is selling it to you, not ‘another trader’.

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