NAUDZUBILLAH Ini Dia VIDEO 2 Gadis Indonesia Paling Dicari Saat Ini. karena Ulah yang Sangat Melecehkan. Berikut Videonya...

Medi4 s0sial belakang4n ini digempark4n 0leh vide0 dua g4dis yang ber4ksi di dep4n kamer4 memamerk4n bagi4n anu.

Semacam pada video yang diberikan akun Instagram @3dara_rumpi pada Jumat (4/8/2017) lalu.

Video tersebut memancing kemarahan warganet, sebab dianggap perbuatan pelecehan.

Pasalnya, dua wanita tersebut telanjang tetapi dengan mengenakan mukena.
Vide0 tersebut jug4 dish4re akun Instagr4m @ngakaksehat bercapti0n:
"Semoga dua wanita ini Segera di temukan, Hukuman apa yang pas buat mereka?(emoji)"

@dewimbeng: "Naudzubillah mindzalik"
@alinkaarista_okpara: "Gilaaaaa ini bocaahhh"

@bungaindah_di: "Bangs**ttt bener , mksdnya apa pake kerudung bgtu.. klo mau jualan yaudah sono tp bk jilbab bloon."

@windaawind: "Aduhh apan sih ini cabe.. melecehkan bgd (emoji)" 
@ill4z0ne: "N4udzubill4h...kerudungny4 dilep4s aj4 sekali4n, d4ri pad4 telanj4ng t4pi tet4p p4kai jilb4b..m4lu-m4luin isl4m aj4(em0ji)"

@apok.cipok: "Berani telanjang kok jilbab ny gak berani di buka? Makdny opo yakk?"
@w.akh: "astaghfirullahhh"

Belum diketahui bukti diri dari dua wanita tersebut, tetapi berita yang beredar keduanya sudah dilaporkan ke akun Humas Polda Metro Jaya.

Simak video di bawah ini !

FOREX: What Is ForexTrading ?

Basically, the Forex market is where banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market is also referred to as the ‘Fx market’, ‘Currency market’, ‘Foreign exchange currency market’ or ‘Foreign currency market’, and it is the largest and most liquid market in the world with an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion.

The Fx market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week with the most important world trading centers being located in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney.It should be noted that there is no central marketplace for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted ‘over the counter’; it’s not like stocks where there is a central marketplace with all orders processed like the NYSE. Forex is a product quoted by all the major banks, and not all banks will have the exact same price. Now, the broker platforms take all theses feeds from the different banks and the quotes we see from our broker are an approximate average of them. It’s the broker who is effectively transacting the trade and taking the other side of it…they ‘make the market’ for you. When you buy a currency pair…your broker is selling it to you, not ‘another trader’.

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